Final Take: RNC Cleveland 2016

Well the convention is over and we all survived. There was worry that there would be more incidents then there were but happy to report that things stayed relatively civil and orderly.  I’ve edited a final take of the work but I can tell you that the editing process needs more time. I’ve been using the great combo of the Nikon D5 & D500, sticking with my fast lenses mostly–the 35 and 58 (on the DX-D500) f1.4G lenses and they’ve been working great. But the fast frame rate of these cameras means shooting more than I normally would with my D810 or D750.

This translates into more frames to go through. The reality is when you’re on the road like this and staying about an hour away from the venue, there is little time left for much of anything, let-alone a careful edit of the work. I don’t want to sign-off on an edit before every frame is carefully considered since I don’t want to leave any 5-Star images behind. So after a time, I will likely re-examine the work to make sure I made the right choices. My gut instinct when editing is most often right, but fatigue can be a negative factor of course.

Here are some of my favorites. I’m now in Philadelphia. You can view a full edit from the RNC 2016 Convention here on my flickr page:

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  1. says: John Meiers

    Your photos show why America is still a great nation. Recently finished your book “The Passionate Photographer” Started reading it a second time. From a fellow Nikonian.