The Nikon Manifesto: A Special Transformational Workshop @ B&H Photo July 20, 2015


Through a special arrangement with B& H Photo and their event space I will be doing a very special Nikon transformational workshop on July 20, from 930am to 6pm. The group will be limited to the first 10 people who sign up, at a cost of $199 for the day.

You can sign up here.

“This is an outstanding workshop, led by a world-class photographer. It is impossible to spend time in a room with Steve Simon and not be inspired to get out there and make great images. I had high expectations and they were exceeded. Steve is very personable, articulate and passionate about photography, very welcoming with a warm, engaging personality. The marketing came over as another photo seminar, completely underplaying the quality of the event. I knew of Steve from the TWiP podcast and would have attended if he was talking about how to watch paint dry…”       Steve Lavelle, London  

Master Your Nikon Camera & Become The Photographer You Want To Be

Our Nikon Cameras are amazing miracles of technology, yet not many of us are willing to spend the time it takes with your camera manual to fully learn and exploit all its possibilities. But now you don’t have to. Because as a life-long Nikon shooter, I have mastered  the labyrinth of camera menu items, buttons and dials and I will help you clearly understand your camera’s many features and how best to use them. I will guide you through the three main tweaks that will change how you shoot forever (for the better) and allow you for a fast response time to the fast moving world you are trying to capture. An understanding of the various Nikon autofocus systems is essential to getting sharp images in a variety of different shooting scenarios. We will spend time de-mystifying the complex autofocus technologies at play in Nikon bodies so you can up your in-focus percentage.

Changing to back-button autofocus exclusively will change everything for you as a photographer, allowing you to respond to non moving  or fast moving targets  without having to remove your eye from the viewfinder and taking advantage of Nikon’s amazing focus tracking technology to nail the shot.

70-200mm 2

In my experience, if an image is blurred and that blur isn’t helping the image (by creating the illusion of movement for example) it’s likely hurting it. Having too slow a shutter speed is the number one reason why images get tossed in the trash rather than framed and hung in a place of honor. Configuring Auto-ISO properly means sharper images no matter what the light. You will forget it’s on but Auto-ISO will have your back, insuring  a minimum fast shutter speed to neutralize camera shake and stop most moving subjects.

From shooting modes to white balance, histograms, file formats, image review and other shortcuts to customizing your Nikon for your own unique shooting style, this class is designed to let you take control of your camera and speed up your response time.

D600Morocco©STEVE SIMON2012-02-23 (2)You will learn technical strategies for exposure and hear Steve’s minimalist philosophy when it comes to Nikon gear. Simplify is the mantra and with a few tweaks of your Nikon body (back-button autofocus, auto ISO and others)  your process will be transformed. When technique fades to the background you can get on with the more important business of exploring the scene and making great images. The camera no longer gets in the way of great images. This class is filled with “Nikon Nuggets” that will change the way you shoot for the better. Master your gear, and your creativity will soar!


If you own any of the following Nikon bodies you are eligible for this “master your gear” workshop: D5500, D7000, D7100, D7200, D700, D610, D600, D750, D800/E, D810/A, D300/D300s, D3, D3s, D3x, D4, D4S, DF.

Sign up for this special one-time Nikon workshop at B & H Photo here.

To see more of my Nikon work, click here  and go to “Campaigns”.

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