Street Talk – Talking With Photographer Valerie Jardin About Covering the 2016 Conventions & Other Stuff

It’s always fun talking to passionate photographers about photography, which is why I enjoy my time talking with Street Photographer Valerie Jardin.

This was my second visit to her podcast and the time flew by (for me, not necessarily the listeners). I used to be a regular on  This Week In Photography Podcast where it was a lot of fun chatting, discussing & arguing about all things photographic. I enjoy the conversations and often learn a lot from them. So if you’re so inclined, take a listen and check out the numerous other shows with Valerie. There’s a depth of photographic knowledge there that can move you forward in your photography as you do your laundry, drive to the store or do other non-camera related stuff. Click on the image below to take you to the podcast. StreetFocus2


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    1. says: Steve Simon

      Hi Larry,

      I did not make one for the D700 sorry but you should be able to figure it out using the D800 version. The D800 has of course updated features but the core settings should apply. All the best, Steve S.