Resource For Photographers From PhotoShelter….

The folks at PhotoShelter have provided a good list of resources that I’ve copied here, with a link to the original post which gets updated regularly.

Pigeon Social Distancing

Hey Everyone, 

I hope this post finds you well under the circumstances. It’s a scary time that will pass, but it’s hard to see that light just yet in the tunnel we find ourselves in. 

On my end, we decided to head to Tanja’s parents in Vancouver where my 5-year-old son Sawyer “Soysauce” Simon has a bit of backyard space making our 14-Day quarantine a little bit easier. We are lucky, it’s self contained with a separate entrance and we figured it was better for him (and us) then riding out this storm in our New York City Apartment.

It was a sparse flight but thankfully it took off and we make it to the other side.

 I know I’m not the only one feeling the surreal nature of this thing. Riding this thing out and staying healthy is our first priority of course. Back in the day (BF – before family) I know I would have been out wandering the streets shooting the eerie empty scenes I’ve been seeing around the Internet. 

On that note, I wanted to point you to a poignant photo essay on the New York Times site. The Great Empty: Some of the busiest places in the world and what they look like today. 

Has anyone been shooting? Let us know in the comments. 

My wife is a New York City School teacher, so I have a full time job with her getting online learning going. It’s amazing to see what these incredible teachers have instantly accomplished with so little time to prepare. The first week is done and the overwhelming majority of kids are online and attending class. The schools are doing a great job of making sure no students are left out; getting devices and WiFi to those in need. 

We are also home schooling Sawyer which is a lot of fun but does take much time. He’s happy because he has a little extra screen time.

In my photographic work life, the bulk of my income in recent times has come through workshops. It’s a business I’ve loved from the start. It’s fun and I get to shoot and I learn so much from all the participants. Obviously, my business and many in the travel sector have come to a grinding halt for now. 

We had to cancel all workshops at least until June, including the one scheduled for a week before we left in Tokyo. Who knows how quickly things will start to normalize and people are comfortable getting out. 

My partner in Japan Soichi Hayashi sent me this image of the Cherry Blossoms in a rare almost spring snowfall in Tokyo. 

I am looking at ways of moving some of my workshops online. The camera classes are an ideal start so if you’re a Nikon shooter, watch for webinars coming soon. On my Patreon page you can unlock almost 150 post of Passionate Photographer extended content and almost 30 video posts, man of them Critique Podcasts. 

If you haven’t got your free Ultimate Workshop Guide, 78-pages of great content from some of the best in the business, you can sign up for the newsletter here

In the meantime, here’s PhotoShelter’s list of resources which gets updated regularly, with a link to the original post . Be safe and stay well. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Photographers

As the threat of coronavirus spreads around the world, photographers are grappling with the potential for severe economic impact on their livelihood. Although a prolonged outbreak will require significant federal intervention, a number of groups have already started to provide useful information or financial support for freelancers. We’ve compiled the following list of resources for photographers that we’ll continue to update.

The newest items appear at the top of each section.

Articles on COVID-19 and Photographers

Photo Trade Organization Info

Technology, Distance Learning, etc

Artist Assistance Lists

Economic Relief Plan, Small Business, Freelancers & Banking Support

Grants & Crowdfunding Initiatives

Health and Wellness

Inspiration & Distraction


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