Today’s Photo – Foggy Coney Island Boardwalk

More from Steve Simon
Yamhill, Oregon (population 790) City Council, April 9, 2003. ©Paul Shambroom When...
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  1. says: Chap Solomon

    This is a unique and striking image, not one that someone would expect representing Coney Island, particularily from the West Coast. The fog makes adds an element that this could be some place other than Brooklyn. Reminiscing with the past, this might be San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, circa 1950’s-early 1960’s, stretching my imagination back to the time of the legendary Playland at the Beach (long gone). Processing this caption as monochrome could be fascinating too.

  2. says: Eileen

    It gives me such joy to look at your photos….I especially love the ones of my hometown NYC. This Coney Island photo is just beautiful…thank you.

    1. says: Steve Simon

      When you go out on the streets to shoot you suddenly see things you never noticed and may have passed through a hundred times…that’s one of the things I love about street photography…