Shutterbug Magazine – Photojournalism As Teacher


In the latest (February 2016) photojournalism-themed edition of Shutterbug Magazine is an article I wanted to bring your attention to. I’ve known the writer Barry Tanenbaum for a few years now and I’ve respected his deep knowledge of and insight into the photography industry; so I was happy to be interviewed.

“Creating a set of images,” Simon says, “forces me to tell the story of my passion; to look at two images that are similar and choose the best one, the one that advances the story. Ultimately that forces me to move forward, to get deeper into the story, and not shoot the same shot again and again.”

Newspapers and magazines have huge challenges profiting in an era with so much free and strong content available, but print media is not dead yet. I am reminded of this whenever I visit airport book/magazine shops worldwide. There is something about the intimacy of holding a paper-based product in my hands that I appreciate differently from online information consumption. That said, I still have to deem the content worth the price before I swipe my card.

Dan Havlik, formerly of Photo District News and Rangefinder magazines took over the editorship of  and is creating a compelling hard-copy publication worth putting up five bucks for. (Each issue is only available online story by story, a while after it hits newsstands).

If you want to read the article in its entirety, you can view it here. Better still, pick up the February issue and touch and feel your way through the piece.

 “I don’t go out, find a shot, and move on,” Simon says. “I look for visual potential; I plant myself there, and the longer I stay in a place, the stronger the work gets. I remember from the film days that my final picks were often frames 35 and 36. Why? Because the longer I spent, the more I would see, and the more I felt comfortable in the environment—and maybe the more the environment felt comfortable with me.”


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